Last updated on Apr 6

2 min read

Contact Attributes

In order to help you focus on important information, we have created different types of attributes for your data in Samespace. These fields serve various purposes and can be found in your attribute settings under Settings > Contacts > Attributes.

Default Attributes

Default attributes are pre-built in your Samespace account and are usually used for basic customer information like names, emails or phone numbers. If there is no existing field that fits your needs, you can create a custom field.

You can't edit the name or type of default attributes but you can choose whether they appear in the Add New dialog.

To view Attribute ID, simply hover over the name in table view or Open detail view and click on "Code" Icon. This is useful in API Integration.

Custom Attributes

Samespace offers a highly customizable approach to managing your sales process. With custom attributes, you can document specific information and organize and filter your data based on these fields.

Adding Custom Attributes

To add a custom attribute, go to Settings > Contacts > Attributes and click the "Add" icon. Name the field and select the type of field you want to create. Samespace offers a variety of custom field types that can be customized according to the information you need for your data.

  1. You can enable the "Appears in ‘Add Contact view’" toggle and it will be shown in the Add contact form.
  2. Required Attribute: You can select which data attribute should be mandatory when adding or editing contact information using the "Required" feature.

Note: The number of custom attributes you can have depends on your plan. Contact your account manager to increase the limit.